From an Adventure

Every once in a while you meet a new person. You may or may not have heard something about them already, may have a pre-formed opinion of them, or be seeing them for the very first time. The day you meet, you start an adventure that can go in any direction. Maybe it's filled with laughter and warmth, or sorrow and misery. You may learn nothing more than their name as they become on of the many faces in your memory, or they may become your best friend who you'll remember forever. Every person brings something new to add to your life. A new idea. A new meaning. A new experience. A whole new outlook on life. You may know them for a second that feels like a lifetime, or an eternity that seems like only a moment. Everything they say and do makes you a little more who you are. Sometimes, those people are idiots to you, trying to make the world uniform or trying to take advantage of that which is not their right. Sometimes those people will leave you wondering where they were all your life. I can only be another one of the many soon to be nameless faces of your history. I have no claim to your future success or fall, yet I leave our adventure with you to do with as you please. Our hearts a strung together in this mesh of life, and we cannot afford to ignore it. I do not claim to be wise or knowledgeable on any account, but I can leave you with a word of heart. Find your path, enjoy where it leads, and remember to meet a few adventures along the way.


  1. We all live to leave a mark. Memory is so dear to us, it is the reason behind our yearn for power. We just want to be remembered. So off in this adventure we all travel our own paths but there is no reason if not for meeting others to put a little of yourself in them.


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