I know that some time in your life that you have heard the question, "if you were stranded on a desert island and you could have one thing, what woud it be and why?"

There are many average answers to this question, like water, food, and shelter, obviously so that you can stay alive longer on a lonely, boring, uncomfortable and DESERT island.

There are also well thought out answers, such as a book on how to survive on a desert island for obvious reasons.

I've also heard quite a few silly ones, including a banana to play with the monkeys on the DESERT island, a big screen TV, or even a water bed to relax with.

There are some smart ones, like a helicopter, a plane ticket off the island, or a boat, so you can get off the island.

There's the mushy one of "I'd bring you honey, you're all I need."

And for all those Trekies out there (as I know there are SOOOO many) there's the answer a halodeck so you never run out of anything.

But me, my answer is the person who asked me the question, just to see how they'd handle it :)

How about you? I love hearing new answers to the question :)


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