Sometimes, when you least expect it, something amazing can run up behind you and take you by surprise. It might make you feel as light as a cloud, or maybe it might crush you. Crush you in a good way...

I know where I belong
It's too far away
I'm reaching
Always reaching
But it just slips away
And then something comes along
And shows me the real world
People aren't just poster
They aren't lifeless sketches
They are deeper than even I myself can stand
It hurts
But it's ok
Because I've learned
And that's what matters

(don't get it? go to http://timeasylums.blogspot.com)

People are people and it's taken me all this time to understand. You can feel their emotions, and you can't always see them, but they are there. I'm sorry to all those who I saw as cardboard cutouts. I feel like a director of a movie, just ready to cut someone out of my movie because they don't fit, but then someone shows me they don't have to fit for the movie to be great.

God wanted all of us to love each other, and that's impossible to do without knowing that the same crazy things that can happen in your life can happen to other people. We're not alone in this world. Far from it. I think it's time I started accepting it.


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