
I don't like secrets. Never have. even when your in on it, it's not satisfying enough so you just HAVE to tell some one. An when your outside the loop, you'd do anything to know what it is. I usually just let it roll off my back, but when it involves yourself, that's kind of hard to do.
With me, secrets are strange things. I think on them all the time. That's ALL I can think about for a while because it keeps popping up in my brain. It doesn't matter how or what I think about it, as long as I'm comtemplating it. I makes it seem less crazy, silly... I don't know, but thinking about it makes it minutely better.
The only thing about that is I'm become secluded in my own thoughts, which, of ourse, makes people wonder what that secret is. This makes it harder to keep it which makes me think on it more and... you get the idea.
Even though I hate secrets, I have a whopper of one now. Everything reminds me of it, and all my friend's happy, smiling faces just make the secret worse. Sorry about spilling this here, cause you're probably wondering what it is now, too. But, even though I hate secrets, I think this one is best kept under wraps until a better time. It would cause more damage than good to everyone.
Thanks to all those people who noticed, though. Your sympathy is greatly appreciated :)


  1. Secrets are hidden truths, Did Jesus not say that he was the truth and that we should tell the world of his coming? Just something to think about.


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