Confidential: The Other Side

How many times my eyes fall onto the one I love with longing, wishing we could share our lives. Together. When he walks in the room, a bad day melts away and the sun shines again. The only thing that could be important at that time is him and me.

But there is another side...

You never stop to think that another person stares after the same. Never think that their heart breaks every time he turns away. Never think that they ponder on seeing him the next time as you ponder the same. Someone who wants them, NEEDS them more than you do.

I never wonder what would make him happy. What he wants for himself in life. I never wonder who his eyes follow when my head is turned away. Never once stop to consider that the one who my heart breaks for would break his heart with me.

It's always been about me...

Until now.


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