Shout Out X2

This is a double shout out to followers 9 and 10 because I have failed to recognize them as of yet.

Number nine! My favorite number, his blog is also quite inspiring. Check out this post, and you'll see what I mean. Thanks for following me back, J.T., and let's hope this is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship :)

An of course #10, K-Dizzle, I've been wondering how long it would take for you to follow me XD Maybe you were too busy studying for another test (studying like crazy, no doubt), but the point is you're here now! Good to see you're still alive, Katayoon :)

Well, pull up a chair, fill your glass with strawberry lemonade, and soak yourself in imagination, because the circus is back in town, and who knows what we might find...


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