JSYK31: Happy Hallmark Day

I have a good friend who doesn't believe in Valentine's Day. I remember the first day she told me that, and I couldn't believe my ears. She proudly stated with her chin held high that it was only a 'Hallmark holiday', invented for the pure purpose of selling overly girly pink merchandise. And then we both had to laugh at how absolutely right and absolutely wrong she was.

Every year I can't avoid feeling that feminine vibe that floats over the school like a thick cloud of perfume. If girls try hard all year to get the guy of their dreams, their efforts are multiplied to the nth power every 14th of February. Of course, I am not immune. There's always that glint of hope that a red rose will appear on my desk, or a note will be pinned to my locker. I also can't help seeing it from my brother's point of view: "who cares about the girls when you get CHOCOLATE?" Quite frankly, it's easy for me to get swept up in the commercial-ness of it all.

And then, every year, even if my desk stays empty and my locker is bare, I still feel a sense of happiness knowing I'm still loved anyway. I get valentines every day, though they're not wrapped in silk or in shades of bright pink. And then Valentine's Day becomes a little more about just giving, which ends up making one happier on the 15th.

Where as Sam has a stomach ache : )


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