JSYK23: Will You Be My Valentine?

It's Valentine's day again! I love Valentine's because of the excitment in the air. Everyone's wondering if anyone will give them something this year. I remember when we were little, everyone got a valentine. All your friends would bring in a whole bag full and they'd pass them out to the whole class. It was always my favorite day at school because you could be friends with anyone. Everyone got a smile. Now that I'm older, people think it's the wierdest thing if you pass out valentines. I certainly don't think so. Without the smiles that people show when they get something from another person, I think the color in the world would seem a little more gray. But the happiness they have when you hand them a valentine... there's just nothing like it! :) I always want to help people be that happy, show them that someone does love them. Every Valentine's day should be just like it was in third grade. :) HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!


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