If your out there, I'm in here.

"As I lay down in my bed and looked up at the stars, I thought to myself, where on earth is the ceiling?"

I wish to realize. How many days has the world opened it's meaning to me and I was too busy to see it. Is there more to see, or is this it? Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. Or, maybe I'm not looking the right way. I'm focused on things that are so specific and detailed, that I don't stop to think about anything...or anyone...else. It's seems unfair to all the things I miss in my hurry to get life over with so to speak. I think it's time to stop resisting the world, stop living in my "little mole hole" and start... well, living! I can't search forever, and I sure hope I haven't already missed it...or you. If your out there somewhere, and I missed you, forgive me, cause I'm still in here, searching for what I never had.


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