Empty Mind

There's nothing in my head today
It's really rather weird
The world's usually on my shoulders
But it's now an empty world
No butterflies to watch for days
No wishes to be made
No poems anxious to be written
No memories to watch fade
I didn't even notice when
The emptiness appeared
Even though that simple thing
Is the only thing I fear
The strangeness thing I noticed is
That when it came about
The love so passionate in my heart
Had just a hint of doubt
And then it slowly faded 'til
Logic conquered over hope
And now it seems the girl I am
Is at the end of her rope
The image that I've tried so hard
To sustain until the end
I now watch slowly blow away
Like dust blowing in the wind
So there's nothing in my head today
And I can't reverse the change
Instead of being filled with love
I have a hole that's not so strange


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