A Dear Farewell

For two years (no, maybe it was three) I carried the burden of my tiny, out of date flip phone. I complained about to anyone who would listen: it's tiny keypad, it tiny screen, it's bad camera, and it's bad reception. This "cute little thing"  would have heart attacks and shut off at random, it would have seizures when it would sit there and vibrate until it's little heart just gave out, and it would end calls whenever it thought it was a good time to end them. It might not have helped that it's been dropped, washed, and half drowned. Well, one day it gave up, I suppose, and wouldn't vibrate when I got a call, and this left it a virtual vegetable, since it couldn't talk either. That's when my parents decided that Little Sammy had done his job, and it was time to move on.

Now I have Marzipan, a Pantech Ease, so the difference is obvious: sleek touch screen and full querty keyboard, Marzipan is ready for action when I need her, but she's still young and new to me, so I'm trying to learn her ropes, as it were. Though Marzipan makes me feel like my arms could turn into robots at any second and her touch screen lights up my day when it answers to my command, I can't help but miss Sammy, just a little. So this post is dedicated to Sammy the Samsung: here's hoping that where ever old, broken phones go (that great recycling bin in the sky) that he knows he did good :)


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